Date Published:
Jun 28, 2024
Focus Area(s):
PIDS AR 2023

Despite the challenges and changes faced in 2023, PIDS remained steadfast in its mission to deliver insightful and impactful policy research. By embracing adaptability and innovation, the Institute enhanced its capacity to better serve stakeholders and effectively respond to the growing demand for policy research. In 2023, the Institute completed 50 research projects, disseminating the results through publications, webinars, knowledge databases, online platforms, and social media. Throughout the year, PIDS released 90 publications and conducted 31 public webinars. It also pursued strategic partnerships with various organizations to amplify the impact of its research. While PIDS accomplished much over the past year, the Institute anticipates engaging in even more significant policy research initiatives. Looking ahead, PIDS is poised with increased confidence and institutional capacity to navigate challenges and seize new opportunities. 

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