To strengthen partnership and promote knowledge sharing has been the central theme of the recently concluded SocioEconomic Research Portal for the Philippines (SERP-P) third biennial memvers’ meeting. Around 50 representatives from 30 research institutions all over the Philippines have gathered last December 10, at the C.P. Romulo Hall, NEDA sa Makati Building, Makati City for the said event. The meeting was organized by the SERP-P team from PIDS.
The members’ meeting is done once every two years to gather inputs and ideas from the members on how to fully optimize SERP-P as a research network. Accomplishments and developments about the SERP-P network and website since the members’ meeting in 2012 were also presented during the event. In the afternoon, a workshop was done where members were divided into groups and discussed The SERP-P Network, initiated by PIDS is comprised of government agencies, academic and research institutions, and development organizations.