Livestock, poultry, and dairy are important sources of food and livelihood in the Philippines. These mostly private sector-led industries are also major economic drivers of the country, accounting for a third of the agriculture sector’s output. However, there are gaps in their performance. The swine industry is dominated by backyard farms, with 90 percent of the producers not commercial in size. Meanwhile, commercial farms supply the bulk of poultry products in the domestic market. Locally consumed milk is almost entirely imported. When benchmarked against competitive countries, there are even wider gaps in terms of farmgate prices and productivity.
This infographic looks into the local livestock (swine), poultry (chicken), and dairy industries and how they compare competitively with other countries. Ways to support these industries’ development amid current challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, African Swine Fever, and rising inflation, are also recommended.
This infographic is based on PIDS Discussion Paper (DP) Series 2022-19 and 2022-20.
DP 2022-19 is titled “Domestic Benchmarking of the Philippine Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Industries” written by PIDS Research Fellow Dr. Sonny N. Domingo, Supervising Research Specialist Maureen Ane D. Rosellon, Senior Research Specialist Pauline Joy M. Lorenzo, and Research Specialist Arvie Joy A. Manejar. The publication may be downloaded here:
DP 2022-20 is titled “Towards Competitive Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Industries: Consolidated Benchmarking Study” written by PIDS Research Fellow Dr. Roehlano M. Briones and Research Analyst Isabel B. Espineli. The publication may be downloaded here:
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