Housing program - Matches
Showing 16-23 of 23 items.
With the passage of Local Government Code in 1991, LGUs are challenged to efficiently manage its resources given the responsibility of delivering of b..
Discussion Papers
Having a house that one can call his own remains to be elusive for most Filipinos. Even the lowest cost, mass-based housing projects are diffic..
Development Research News
This paper is a descriptive analysis focused on the following research questions: what are the existing groups or organizations outside of government ..
Working Papers
Housing developments have been hampered by exorbitantly priced land specifically in the cities. The 1991 housing survey show that Metro Manila househo..
Philippine Journal of Development
This article features a town planner's talk on how escalating land price affects housing programs. It gives recommendations on solving the NCR housing..
Development Research News
How does housing affect households’ health status? How does housing interact with other health inputs? What trade-offs exist between housing and med..
Working Papers
The provision of decent housing to millions of Filipinos has always been the goal of the government. However, not much has been achieved. This ..
Development Research News
For many Filipinos, the realization of the vision of owning a decent structure, which may be called a home, has been an elusive dream. Although the go..
Monograph Series
Showing 16-23 of 23 items.