Poverty - Matches
Showing 106-120 of 332 items.
Due to its geographic location, the Philippines is vulnerable to disasters, such as tropical cyclones and storm surges. As such, the adoption of an ad..
Policy Notes
The Philippines has a long history of battle against poverty. Unfortunately, despite the government's various poverty reduction and social protection ..
Policy Notes
More Filipinos will become food poor if they are not educated, unemployed, bereft of assets, live in conflict areas and those affected by weather dist..
In the News
There are few studies in the Philippines that analyze poverty dynamics; and studies that
analyze the effects of weather variability on food poverty dy..
Discussion Papers
Weather is an integral part of our life and weather shocks can have severe implications on income and household consumption. Given evidence that point..
Discussion Papers
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) has come quite a distance since its inception in 1967. Today, it stands as one of the world’s old..
In the News
The Philippine Institute for Development Studies will hold a dissemination forum on "Addressing Transient Poverty: Evaluation of Agricultural Insuranc..
FOUR in every 10 Filipino households have remained or slipped into poverty at least once in a period of three years, according to a study released by ..
In the News
ABOUT FOUR in every 10 Filipino households has experienced poverty at least once in the previous three years, with two Mindanao regions leading the co..
In the News
A study released by Philippine Institute for Development Studies showed that four in every 10 Filipino households have remained or slipped into povert..
In the News
Can success -- or at least a materially comfortable life -- be predicted? Yes, if the Brookings Institution is to be believed: get at least a high sch..
In the News
Four in every 10 Filipino households have remained or slipped into poverty at least once in a period of three years, according to a study released by ..
Press Releases
The lack of access to transportation, decent employment and timely government intervention could send a lot of nonpoor households to poor status in th..
In the News
Four in every 10 Filipino households have remained or slipped into poverty at least once in a period of three years, latest study by state think tank ..
In the News
Natural disasters, together with other shocks, have contributed to the vulnerability of both poor and nonpoor Filipino households to poverty. While th..
Policy Notes
Showing 106-120 of 332 items.