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Showing 2,671-2,685 of 3,038 items.
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-18
Shortly after the assumption of President Aquino to the office, the government has instituted a wide-ranging set of sociopolitical and economic reform..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-17
This paper reviews the literature on the Philippine experience in fisheries and aquatic resources management and it identifies data gaps and discusses..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-16
This paper provides the most recent estimates of the basic parameters in shadow pricing, namely the shadow exchange rate, the marginal productivity of..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-15
Marginal saving rates for the Philippine households are estimated, distinguishing between rural and urban households, by region and by income group. A..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-14
Focusing on the structural fiscal policy adjustments specifically in the field of tax and expenditure policy, this paper reviews the recent experience..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-13
The development of PIDS-NEDA Macroeconometric Model is a joint effort by both institutions to come up with a model that government economic planners c..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-10
This paper reviews the major policy initiatives of the Aquino Administration in the area of populating, health and education. In each of these areas, ..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-09
In an attempt to examine the labor and employment policies of the Aquino Administration, this paper assesses the direction of future labor and employm..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-08
This paper presents a review of policies that significantly influence the Philippine natural resources and environment (NRE). It assesses the changes ..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-07
Since the Aquino Administration has taken over in 1996, further trade reforms have been instituted. Many more items are liberalized and barriers remov..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-06
In response to the 1983-1985 economic crisis, the Philippine government has assigned a major role to fiscal policy given its contribution to the said ..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-05
This paper assesses the performance of the Aquino government in the financial sector. it presents the major policies and strategies outlined by the go..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-04
As part of the assessment of the Aquino Administration, this paper investigates the Philippine management on external debt. The insights offered here ..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-03
The performance of Aquino administration in the area of public administration and governance at mid-term is mixed. While a number of important initiat..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1990
WP 1990-01
This paper describes the nature of structural adjustments necessary for the economy to bounce back to life. This is accompanied by an analysis of the ..
Working Papers

Showing 2,671-2,685 of 3,038 items.
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