Date Published:
Jun 01, 1988
WP 1988-11

This report presents a practical methodology for the assessment of the economic impact of soil erosion, illustrates the methodology with results from recently completed case studies and proposes a framework for incorporating this methodology for upland resource policy and management programs.


This publication has been cited 15 times

In other Publications
  1. Briones, Roehlano M.. 2012. Addressing land degradation: Benefits, costs, and policy directions. Philippine Journal of Development PJD, 37, no. 1c . Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
  2. Coxhead, Ian A. and Gerald E. Shively. 1995. Measuring the environmental impacts of economic change: the case of land degradation in Philippine agriculture. Staff Papers 12671. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
  3. Coxhead, Ian A. and Gerald Shively. 1995. Measuring the environmental impacts of economic change: the case of land degradation in Philippine agriculture. Wisconsin-Madison Agricultural and Applied Economics Staff Papers 384. Wisconsin-Madison Agricultural and Applied Economics Department.
  4. Coxhead, Ian A. and Sisira Jayasuriya. 2002. Development strategy, poverty and deforestation in the Philippines. Staff Papers 12663. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
  5. Coxhead, Ian and Sisira Jayasuriya. 2001. Economic growth, development policy and the environment in the Philippines. Wisconsin-Madison Agricultural and Applied Economics Staff Papers 430. Wisconsin-Madison Agricultural and Applied Economics Department.
  6. Coxhead, Ian and Sisira Jayasuriya. 2001. Economic growth, development policy and the environment in the Philippines. Staff Paper Series 430. University of Wisconsin, Agricultural and Applied Economics.
  7. Coxhead, Ian and Sisira Jayasuriya. 2002. Development strategy, poverty and deforestation in the Philippines. Staff Paper Series 456. University of Wisconsin, Agricultural and Applied Economics.
  8. Coxhead, Ian and Sisira Kumara Jayasuriya. 2000. Economic growth, development policy and the environment in the Philippines. Working Papers 2000.15. School of Economics, La Trobe University.
  9. Coxhead, Ian and Sisira Kumara Jayasuriya. 2000. Economic growth, development policy and the environment in the Philippines. Working Papers 2000.15. School of Economics, La Trobe University.
  10. Coxhead, Ian. ". 2000. Consequences of a food security strategy for economic welfare, income distribution and land degradation: the Philippine case. World Development, 28, No. 1, 111-128. Elsevier.
  11. Ekbom, Anders, Gardner M. Brown, and Thomas Sterner. 2009. Muddy waters: soil erosion and downstream externalities. Working Papers in Economics 341. University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics.
  12. Niskanen, Anssi. 1998. Value of external environmental impacts of reforestation in Thailand. Ecological Economics, 26, No. 3, 287-297. Elsevier.
  13. Schmitt, Laura. 2009. Developing and applying a soil erosion model in a data-poor context to an island in the rural Philippines. Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 11, No. 1, 19-42 . Springer.
  14. Shively, Gerald. 1999. Risks and returns from soil conservation: evidence from low-income farms in the Philippines. Agricultural Economics, 21, No. 1, 53-67. Blackwell.
  15. Thao, Tran Dinh. 2016. On-site costs and benefits of soil conservation in the mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam. EEPSEA Research Report rr2016061. Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA).

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