This paper presents a summary of the large and growing literature about donor experience in attempting to meet employment and income objectives through assistance to the rural non-farm enterprises. Key conclusions about these experiences are presented stressing those that have implications for Philippine rural development and for the upcoming PIDS Dynamics of Rural Development project.
This publication has been cited 3 times
In other Publications
- Lanjouw, Jean O. and Peter Lanjouw. 2001. The rural non-farm sector: Issues and evidence from developing countries. Agricultural Economics, 26, no. 1, 1-23. Blackwell.
- Lanjouw, Jean O. and Peter Lanjouw. 1995. Rural nonfarm employment: A survey. Policy Research Working Paper Series 1463. The World Bank.
- Saldana, Cesar G. 2000. Assessing the economic value of credit guarantees. Philippine Journal of Development JPD, 37, no. 1. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.