Date Published:
Dec 18, 2020
Focus Area(s):
DP 2020-32

This study aims to describe the prevailing supply and demand conditions, patterns and recent trends regarding science and technology (S&T) human capital in the Philippines by examining secondary data from various data sources. Overall, the results show that although the scientific workforce constitutes only a minute share of the total workforce, and that the variegated occupations across S&T do not have uniform growth potentials as regards employment, both the government and the private sector need to support most of S&T disciplines, especially in the wake of new tasks from emerging technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. Despite an increasing demand for S&T resources and indicators on employability prospects, many of the young do not pursue and persevere in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Government and the private sector should be incentivizing them toward STEM even as early as junior high school. Providing financial assistance or scholarships can be helpful, but this alone may not be enough to produce the needed pool of future S&T human resources. Government is advised to also gain insights on various factors that affect the supply of S&T workers to craft necessary policies for incentivizing S&T graduates to persevere in their disciplines, and actively participating in the economy. The future appears favorable for engineers given our current level of productivity, technology, and projected growth. In contrast, the economy may not be able to accommodate the increasing supply of workers with computing/information and technology background. Although some, if not many, of those with computing skills may be accommodated in new jobs. Still, it may be prudent to substantially invest in S&T human resources, and provide supporting mechanisms to make our S&T human resources agile and our innovation ecosystem flourish.

Comments to this paper are welcome within 60 days from date of posting.


This publication has been cited 16 times

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  2. Baylon, Melinda. 2025. IT talent development and retention. Futurecio.
  3. Beatrice M. Laforga . 2021. Philippines facing oversupply in IT graduates, STEM shortage. Business World.
  4. BusinessMirror . 2022. Mapua gives free online training to high-school STEM teachers. BusinessMirror.
  5. Businessmirror. 2022. Choosing the right field, specialization for a promising career in engineering. Businessmirror.
  6. DOST-SEI . 2021. Gov’t, private sector need to mold S&T workforce together – DOST-SEI, PIDS study. DOST.
  7. Fadl Al Tarzi . 2021. Digital transformation and technology: The importance of tertiary education and upskilling in the Philippines . Manila Times.
  8. Galvez, Edwin. 2021. UP, DOST study: Prospects bright for PHL’s basic science education. BusinessMirror.
  9. Kapampangan Media. 2022. The future of STEM education. Kapampangan Media.
  10. Manila Standard Digital . 2022. Mapúa equips high school STEM educators thru STEM Teach 2.0. Manila Standard.
  11. Manila Times . 2022. Persuade more learners to take up STEM courses. Manila Times.
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  13. Patricia B. Mirasol . 2021. Public trust in science boosted by pandemic, survey finds. Business World.
  14. The Manila Times . 2022. Mapua equips high school STEM educators through STEM Teach 2.0. Manila Times.
  15. ZigZag Weekly . 2022. Pursue STEM courses, DOST-CAR encourages students. ZigZag Weekly .
In Congress Documents
  1. Garcia, Pablo John. 2021. House Bill 9883: An act strengthening the knowledge economy human resources of the Philippines by increasing the appropriations for scholarships, scientific research, innovation and enterprise, education and skills training, and for other purposes. House of Representatives.

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