The main purpose of the study was to determine if the reforestation program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) over the years has been successful in attaining its stated objectives and in mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change on forest resources and the natural environment. The corollary goal was to develop recommendations to improve reforestation activities in light of the National Greening Program (NGP) of the current administration. The study used secondary data generated from institutional sources and primary data gathered through key informant interviews and focus group discussions conducted in some selected NGP sites in the Caraga region in Mindanao.
In summary, the study found the following: a) At the national level, the reforestation program of the DENR has only partially attained its replanting targets; b) Also at the national level, it appears to have become relatively inefficient in the conduct of replanting activities over the years; and c) At the individual site level, it may have been effective to some degree in increasing incomes and livelihood opportunities, improving the natural resource and environmental situation, and achieving the other objectives of reforestation in many areas. Based on the findings, some recommendations for improvements particularly related to the implementation of the NGP were put forward by the study. In conclusion, the study asserts that other than the infusion of sufficient financial and manpower resources, a reforestation program would have a better chance of attaining its objectives if its implementers can sufficiently monitor activities and effectively implement changes in operations to address the problems encountered.
This publication has been cited 4 times
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- Villar, Mark. 2015. House Resolution 1900: Resolution directing the house committee on reforestation to look into, in aid of legislation, the status of implementation of the national greening program of the department of environment and natural resources for the purpose of recommending measures to boost the reforestation efforts of the government. House of Representatives.