Date Published:
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-25

The Philippines has used the BOT law, as amended to motivate private sector provision of infrastructure. Using examples from selected BOT projects in the country, the paper points out key issues constraining the successful implementation of the BOT approach to infrastructure provision. It also indicates several factors that were instrumental in forging an effective public-private partnership in BOT projects. The paper points out the need to address various issues, starting from the legal framework to the level of responsibilities of the government institutions that are involved in the project cycle, i.e., from project entry level to implementation and completion. Improvements should be introduced at the policy, legal, and institutional frameworks in order to improve the usefulness of this approach to infrastructure development.


This publication has been cited 2 times

In other Publications
  1. Durdyev, Serdar and Syuhaida Ismail. 2017. The build-operate-transfer model as an infrastructure privatisation strategy for Turkmenistan. Utilities Policy, 48(C), 195-200. Elsevier.
  2. Llanto, Gilberto M.. 2012. The impact of infrastructure on agricultural productivity. Discussion Papers DP 2012-12. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.

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