The shift to federalism will cost the government billions, an economics expert warned Tuesday.

Rosario Manasan, a senior research fellow at the Philippine Institute of Development Studies, said the shift to a federal form of government will cost around P55 billion.
Federalism, how much? P44B? P51B?
“It will have to come from the pockets of taxpayers,” Manasan told the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes, according to a statement from Sen. Francis "Kiko" Pangilinan.
Dr. Ronald Mendoza, dean of the Ateneo School of Government, meanwhile, read the statement of more than 250 academics opposing the convention of a constituent assembly.
Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri earlier said senators will walk out of the last Congress session next Monday if a constituent assembly is convened.
Zubiri says senators to walk out of SONA if Con Ass convened
"I can tell you now what some of my colleagues might do: they might walk out. A lot of the senators might just stand up and walk out. It will be a mess," he said.

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