More than half of the Philippines’ land mass is classified as forestlands, making the country a megadiverse area in terms of tropical forests and biodiverse ecosystems. However, decades of lax legislations promoting extractive industries have led to a significant reduction in forest cover. In 2011, two landmark laws—Executive Orders (EO) 23 and 26—were passed. EO 23 declared a moratorium on logging while EO 26 called for the implementation of the National Greening Program.

This infographic provides an overview of the forest sector. It also looks at the policy trends in forest protection and rehabilitation in the Philippines and presents some issues and recommendations on how to further improve the policy landscape.

This Policy Issue at a Glance is based on PIDS Discussion Paper Series No. 2018-53 titled “Forest Protection in the Philippines” written by Sonny N. Domingo and Arvie Joy A. Manejar, PIDS Senior research fellow and research analyst, respectively. This publication may be downloaded here:
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