State think tank, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) announced its conduct of an online survey on the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) among the beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

PIDS said in a statement that the survey is part of its ongoing study on the 4Ps program implementation and payment system.  It also aims to collect information from 4Ps beneficiaries on their experiences in receiving the SAP financial assistance in connection with the community quarantine being enforced in the country to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Through the survey, the Institute hopes to generate recommendations on how to improve and strengthen the implementation of the SAP and, in general, enhance the provision of emergency assistance to Filipinos in times of crisis,” it said.

The PIDS assured that the collected survey participants’ personal information in the survey “will be kept confidential and protected under the Data Privacy Act” and that “unauthorized use and publication of personal information by third parties will be prohibited.”

Asked how the 4Ps beneficiaries would be able to answer the online survey considering their economic conditions, Kris Ann Melad, PIDS Senior Research Specialist said that they are “aware of the limitation that maybe only a few of the 4Ps beneficiaries will have internet and smartphone or computer access.”

“We are keeping our fingers crossed that more beneficiaries will be able to participate so we can gain more insights on their experiences in the SAP.  This is also an opportunity for PIDS to test other modes of data collection given that the COVID-19 pandemic will affect travel and face-to-face data collection in the coming months,” she added.

Melad added that they have reached out to some 4Ps beneficiaries who belong to some Facebook groups to request them to answer the online survey and “share it to their fellow beneficiaries so they may answer the same.”

“We have also tried to contact some beneficiaries who have participated in our earlier data collection activities. We are hoping to reach out to more groups in the coming days to promote the survey and invite more beneficiaries to participate,” she added.

The PIDS provided the survey links through the following:

1. Those with Facebook Messenger account

Tagalog version:
Cebuano version:

2. Those without Facebook Messenger account

Tagalog version:
Cebuano version:

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