In preparation for the opening of the second regular session of the 19th Congress in July, the House of Representatives (HRep) Committee Affairs Department (CAD) led by service director Lina Jones, together with Deputy Executive Director (DED) Narcisa Guevarra, Executive Director Lina Mortega and Committee on Rural Development ComSec Abigail Marie Apostol organized a minutes-writing training/workshop for CAD staff.

DED Guevarra in her opening remarks stressed on CAD personnel how important effective minutes-writing is to packaging their work professionally. She considered the workshop a big opportunity for them to harness and enhance their writing skills.

Committee on Poverty Alleviation Secretary (Comsec) Maria Lourdes Mendoza, who facilitated the workshop, discussed best practices to be observed to come up with the standard and right minutes at various stages in the crafting of a law.

Comsec Mendoza differentiated minutes from a transcript of stenographic notes (TSN), TWG Highlights and a spot report. She also underscored the equal importance of being able to name the contents of minutes of meetings, to practice a “corporate culture” or the usage of a legislative language and apply this lingo in their write ups.

Comsec Mendoza also shared tips on how to come up with a comprehensive, accurate and useful minutes for its target readers such as lawmakers, the media and the public, such as studying: 1) the minutes of the previous deliberation; 2) position papers, and 3) studies/research done by renowned institutions such as the Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS), and reading news on issues related to those being deliberated in Committee hearings.

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