Global Public Goods (GPGs) are goods whose benefits transcend countries, people, and generations. Examples of GPGs are peace and security, global health, sustainable development, and environmental management. Because they are global in nature, the collective participation of countries is necessary for these goods to be effectively and efficiently provided.
The New Globalization as well as coordination and cooperation failures can give rise to Global Public Bads (GPBs) that can expose societies to unnecessary risks and endanger their economic progress, biological and cultural integrity, and the personal safety of their citizens. Examples of GPBs are pollution and other environmental problems as international trade becomes easier and less costly, spread of communicable diseases as international travel becomes more accessible, terrorism and human trafficking as borders become more open, and proliferation of fake news and disinformation as the Internet and social media make information-sharing faster and easier.
Know more about GPGs and GPBs and other features of the New Globalization through this year’s celebration of the 17th Development Policy Research Month (DPRM) with the theme "Navigating the New Globalization: Local Actions for Global Challenges".
Visit the DPRM website ( and download the PIDS study, "Understanding the New Globalization: Implications for the Philippines” (
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