The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on November 14, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM via Zoom. In line with the observance of the National Children’s Month this November, the webinar will feature two PIDS studies with shared focus on improving child development outcomes, specifically in health, nutrition, and education, and on providing frameworks that support government decision-making, public investment and policy reforms.
The first study, “Behind the Slow Start: An Assessment of Early Childhood Care and Development in the Philippines” is authored by PIDS Senior Research Fellow Valerie Gilbert Ulep, Research Specialist Lyle Daryll Casas, Project Technical Specialist Aaron Carlos Manuel, and Research Analyst John Paulo Mendoza, with PIDS Consultants Joy Bagas and Kim Leonard Dela Luna. It evaluates Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in the Philippines to provide evidence that will help Congress improve programs and policies. The study examines the health, nutrition, and early education of Filipino children and looks at their access to essential services in these areas. It considers factors like funding, governance, infrastructure, and staffing to understand why some Filipino families have limited access to ECCD related services.
The second study, titled “Tracking Nutrition Investments: Proposed Nutrition Budget Tagging Framework and Typology for the National Government Agencies in the Philippines” also by Casas, Ulep and Bagas, presents a framework for classifying national government nutrition expenditures, developed through literature review and agency validation. The study features five levels of intervention classification and three markers for categorizing expenses, aiming to enhance spending efficiency, and alignment with the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition and Universal Healthcare initiatives.
To register, go to https://bit.ly/pidseventnov14. You may also tune in to the PIDS and SERP-P Facebook pages for the livestream.
Presentation of Dr. Valerie Gilbert Ulep, PIDS Senior Research Fellow
Presentation of Mr. Lyle Daryll Casas, Research Specialist