The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on June 6, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM via Zoom.
In line with the National Information and Communications Technology Month, the webinar will feature the PIDS study “Making Broadband Universal: A Review of Philippine Policies and Strategies” authored by PIDS Research Fellows Ramonette B. Serafica and Kris A. Francisco, and Research Specialist Queen Cel A. Oren. The study examines the critical role of broadband adoption in advancing digitalization, as outlined in the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028.
Focusing on ensuring equitable access to digital opportunities, the study provides a comprehensive overview of strategies to increase broadband adoption. Through an assessment of the current landscape of broadband services in the Philippines, it highlights existing policies and initiatives at both national and community levels. It recommends reviewing the Free Wi-Fi for All program to ensure effectiveness and exploring satellite technology to connect geographically isolated areas (GIDAs) to the internet. Additionally, it suggests creating a broadband map to understand internet development and target solutions for areas lacking connectivity.
To register, go to https://bit.ly/pidseventjune6. You may also tune in to the PIDS and SERP-P Facebook pages for the livestream.
Presentation of Dr. Ramonette Serafica, PIDS Senior Research Fellow and Ms. Queen Cel Oren, PIDS Specialist
Presentation of Dr. Kris Francisco, PIDS Research Fellow
Presentation of Mr. Naoto Kanehira, World Bank Group Senior Digital Development Specialist