The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on April 13, 2023 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm, via Zoom.
This virtual event will feature the PIDS study “Philippine Air Transport Infrastructure: State, Issues, Government Strategies” authored by PIDS Research Fellow Kris Francisco and Research Analyst Valerie Lim.
The study assessed the current state of the country’s air transport infrastructure and reviewed government plans and programs seeking to improve the performance of the air transport sector, given its enabling role for high-value industries such as trade, manufacturing, and tourism. Using secondary data and previous literature, it discussed prevailing issues and challenges constraining the sector's growth and proposed some policy recommendations.
An e-copy of the full study is available at the following link:
To register, go to https://bit.ly/pidswebinarapr13. You may also tune in to the PIDS and SERP-P Facebook pages for the livestream.
Presentation of Dr. Kris A. Francisco, Research Fellow, and Valerie Lim, Research Analyst, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Presentation of Dr. Enrico Basilio, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance
Presentation of Mr. Jose Alejandro Reyes, Cebgo President and CEO and Cebu Air Chief Strategy Officer