The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on June 16, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM via Zoom.
This virtual event will feature the PIDS study “Modernizing Agriculture and Fisheries: Overview of Issues, Trends, and Policies” authored by PIDS Senior Research Roehlano M. Briones. The paper provided an assessment of the implementation of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) or Republic Act 8435, the country’s landmark legislation on the sustainable and equitable development of its agriculture and fisheries sector. It reviewed the Philippines’ agricultural development trends within an overall economic context of structural change. The study found that the implementation of AFMA has had a mixed record. While the country’s agricultural sector has seen some progress since the law’s passage, problems and gaps such as weak productivity growth (except among cereal crops) and declining comparative advantage of agriculture still exist. Moreover, the study found that some AFMA provisions, such as the area-based planning around the Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones, have not been well implemented. It recommended further research in terms of quantifying the extent of the sector’s modernization.
A copy of the study may be downloaded from this link: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsdps2205.pdf.
Register via: https://bit.ly/pidswebinarAFMA. The meeting link will be automatically sent to the registered email address.
Modernizing Agriculture and Fisheries: Overview of Issues, Trends, and Policies presented by Dr. Roehlano Briones, Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Reaction of Mr. Raul Socrates Banzuela, Chief of Staff and former Executive Director, PAKISAMA (to follow)
The recording of this webinar may be viewed at https://fb.watch/dGLdMohxPn/.