The potential of the real property tax to meet fund requirements and operational needs of local units has not been fully exploited. Since it is the s..
How economically competitive is domestically produced cotton compared to its imported counterpart? Have government policies encouraged it domestic pro..
What are the effects of government policies, such as export tax, production levy and marketing regulation, on the Philippine coconut industry? The ans..
With the increasing demand for livestock products, questions have arisen concerning the most efficient way of increasing its production. To quantify t..
This paper is an attempt to describe the historical changes in the level and distribution of government expenditures by policy from 1955-1980. While t..
The export log ban would have the same effect as imposing an export tax. Similar to the quota system, a complete log ban on exports raises no revenue ..
This paper examines the impact of trade policies, such as export taxes, marketing controls, low interest rate on production and equipment loans and sp..
This paper examines Philippine comparative advantage in rice production and whether government policies encourage the rice sector to exploit its advan..
Evaluation of the impact of general policies, such as trade and foreign exchange, financial, fiscal and employment policies and specific measures rela..
This paper aims to develop both the micro and macro data on the entire range of socioeconomic, managerial and technical issues faced by the wood-based..