Rosellon, Maureen Ane D. - Matches
Showing 16-24 of 24 items.

The Philippines has been more cautious in its policy toward free trade agreements (FTAs) than other ASEAN member-states, having signed, so far, only o..
Discussion Papers

This study looks at the effectiveness of the strategy and the complementary interventions of the Sustainable Livelihood Program`s Self-Employment Assi..
Discussion Papers

The slow progress of the Cadastral Survey Program in the Philippines has been associated with implementation issues that have affected the effectivene..
Discussion Papers

As 2015 draws near, assessing ASEAN`s progress toward the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) defined by the AEC Blueprint is necessary and instructive. Th..
Discussion Papers

Unfair trade practices (UTPs) demonstrate anticompetitive behavior which can be characterized into two general types: exclusionary abuse--an act of th..
Discussion Papers

How are the ASEAN+1 free trade agreements facilitating the flow of goods in the supply chain in East Asia? This chapter looks at the experience of the..
Discussion Papers

This paper discusses the nature of the rules of origin (ROOs) in the ASEAN+1 FTAs, particularly with respect to features and characteristics that coul..
Discussion Papers

The performance of the Philippine automotive industry has steadily improved after the Asian crisis. However, relative to the performance of the automo..
Discussion Papers

The private sector is the driver of growth in most ASEAN economies. It is therefore expected to play a significant role in the process of economic int..
Discussion Papers
Showing 16-24 of 24 items.