Dacuycuy, Lawrence - Matches
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.
The world of work is constantly evolving because jobs are created and destroyed, a process that is increasingly becoming conspicuous due to significan..
Discussion Papers
Current global trends show that boys have consistently underperformed in the academic front, an observation that can be noted in the Philippines as we..
Discussion Papers
In 2016, the National Economic and Development Authority launched AmBisyon Natin 2040, which embodies the long-term aspirations of Filipinos for thems..
Discussion Papers
The paper aims to analyze the determinants of household energy portfolio in urban and rural areas and to determine how price shocks and weather variab..
Discussion Papers
Housework shapes the invaluable role that women play in the society. However, given that the time allocated to housework affects the time spent on mar..
Policy Notes
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.