Mortality - Matches
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
The study examines the role of maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) in policy formulation in the Philippines, specifically th..
Discussion Papers
This paper summarizes the research on population-related issues done between 1980-2002. The review organized the research into the following areas: (a..
Discussion Papers
Analysis of pneumonia data set shows consistency with current literature of obtaining higher costs in government-owned and higher level facilities. Fo..
Discussion Papers
This paper deals with the epidemiological trends and incidence of selected leading diseases in the country. Mortality rates and morbidity rates are in..
Discussion Papers
This article advocates for more focused research designs and the use of more complex causal models. Investigations of morbidity and mortality differen..
Philippine Journal of Development
As the focus of research has been slowly geared towards development, this DRN issue deals with population and its role on economic growth and p..
Development Research News
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.