Industry - Matches
Showing 121-135 of 226 items.
The Philippines is blessed with rich marine fishing grounds that are valuable sources of food and livelihood for the population. Unfortunately, over t..
Discussion Papers
PIDS Senior Research Fellow Roehlano Briones provides an assessment of the Philippine economy in 2015 and outlook for the current year in this first i..
Development Research News
This study evaluates the achievement of the desired outcomes of the competition policies contained in the Electric Power Industry Restructuring Act of..
Discussion Papers
Inclusive business (IB) is a private sector approach to providing goods, services, and livelihoods on a commercially viable basis, either at scale or ..
Discussion Papers
"Evidence-based decisionmaking is perhaps the best way to ensure that regulators are, in the long run, effective. Effective regulation entails making ..
Press Releases
As the year 2015 ends, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) looks back on one of its most challenging projects to date--impact eval..
Development Research News
Global value chains (GVCs) play an important role in creating a more inclusive global economy. The interconnected networks of production and services ..
Economic Issue of the Day
The Agricultural Credit and Policy Council (ACPC) has the mandate of coordinating all credit policies and programs in support of the Department of Agr..
Policy Notes
Continuing with the themed focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs), state think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) hosted D..
Press Releases
Philippine industrial policies such as those bearing on the manufacturing sector are a critical element of the country's development strategy. Manufac..
Discussion Papers
Social enterprises can help enhance the role of small and medium enterprises (SME) in sustainable economic development, claims a recent study released..
Press Releases
The heavy traffic congestion along the roads within the Port of Manila, the largest seaport in the Philippines, and in Metro Manila led the City of Ma..
Policy Notes
The Port of Manila, the largest seaport in the country, has been recognized as the most widely used port in the Greater Capital Region with utilizatio..
Discussion Papers
This issue of the Development Research News mainly features the observance of the 12th Development Policy Research Month which the Institute spearhead..
Development Research News
The automotive industry is expected to yield 300,000 jobs under a new industrial policy that seeks to revive the manufacturing sector, an official bar..
Press Releases
Showing 121-135 of 226 items.