Health workers - Matches
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Hello, PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on the government's healthcare worker deployment program.A PIDS study that investigated..
Infographics - Fact Friday
The third issue of the Development Research News (DRN) centers on the challenges affecting effective service delivery of local government units (LGUs)..
Development Research News
Health human resource (HHR) is critical in the delivery of health care services. However, the available evidences on their geographic distribution and..
Discussion Papers
The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers (RA 7305) was enacted to ensure that health workers are properly compensated, thereby helping to promote bett..
Policy Notes
Although our ability to predict climate conditions has improved significantly, farmers` use of climate information and forecasts in farming decisions ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.