Environment - Matches
Showing 181-189 of 189 items.
The impact of government policies on forest resource utilization is analyzed using two conceptual frameworks. The first focuses on determinants of res..
Working Papers
While there have been studies conducted on technical and economic productivity of different upland production/agroforestry systems, the existing liter..
Working Papers
Watershed management is more effective when there is a relief from the population to exploit the land. Undoubtedly, such policies must be premised on ..
Working Papers
Experiences of the National Irrigation Administration in its reforestation of the Pantabangan and Magat watersheds are presented in this paper, as it ..
Working Papers
As the focus of research has been slowly geared towards development, this DRN issue deals with population and its role on economic growth and p..
Development Research News
The six papers in this volume (the second in the series) represent the continuing efforts of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies to highl..
Studies on the mineral industry, specifically on metallic minerals, have dealt with the generation of geologic information, considered a vital input i..
Working Papers
Central to this study is the question of how benefits and costs from using a potentially renewable resource such as forests could be optimized for Phi..
Working Papers
If properly implemented, the government's National Greening Program (NGP) can help in reducing poverty and preserving the environment. In a policy no..
Press Releases
Showing 181-189 of 189 items.