Development - Matches
Showing 571-585 of 595 items.
Focusing on Philippine export and import performance during the critical years of 1974-1982, this study presents the preliminary results of a d..
Staff Papers
This paper aims to trace the factors that have contributed to the instability of the country’s export earnings and the observed deterioration..
Staff Papers
Studies on food consumption by socioeconomic groups and by rural-urban areas have been relatively few. Even scarcer are studies on household fu..
Staff Papers
This article is a product of a nine-month training and application program implemented by the micro component of the Economic and Social Impact Analys..
Philippine Journal of Development
This article is a product of a nine-month training and application program implemented by the micro component of the Economic and Social Impact Analys..
Philippine Journal of Development
A major task in the economic evaluation of projects is the valuation of goods and resources used and produced. If markets function efficiently ..
Staff Papers
Most primary products are practically nontraded, usually due to very high transport costs, bulk and perishability. These commodities possess n..
Staff Papers
Based on the assumption that the economy undertaking the devaluation is a small open economy, this paper presents the following model: monetari..
Staff Papers
As a report on the initial results of ESIA-WID’s endeavor to measure the impact of Cagayan Integrated Development Project, this paper traces its eff..
Working Papers
Since 1970, the Philippines has adopted a flexible exchange rate system that is characterized by a limited rather than full flexibility. This s..
Staff Papers
The end of 1960s has witnessed many developing countries with high level of unemployment and inequitable distribution of income. Several strategies ha..
Working Papers
This study deals with transportation focusing on port development as an alternative route to deal with traffic problems. Results indicate that improve..
Working Papers
This paper reports on the initial results of ESIA-WID’s endeavor to measure the impact of Cagayan Integrated Development Project by tracing its effe..
Working Papers
This study investigates the equality of participation of Filipino men and women in various spheres of everyday life and is conducted in three communit..
Working Papers
This DRN issue focuses on the critical role of agriculture sector on the strategy for development. Studies included in this issue are particula..
Development Research News
Showing 571-585 of 595 items.