Universal health coverage - Matches
Showing 1-14 of 14 items.
The integration of different levels of local health systems into Province- or City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS) in the Philippines is a reform that is..
Discussion Papers
This quarter's Development Research News (DRN) focuses on challenges facing the Philippine human capital sector and ways to improv..
Development Research News
The Sin Tax Reform Act of 2012 and its amendments aim to increase revenue for public health spending and reduce tobacco smoking and alco..
Policy Notes
The government should revisit policies and processes under the Sin Tax Reform Act of 2012 (Republic Act [RA] 10351) to ensure that tax revenues are us..
Press Releases
The Sin Tax Reform Act (STRA) of 2012 (RA 10351) and its amendments paved the way to revisit excise taxation for sin products, such as tobacco, alcoho..
Discussion Papers
MANILA, Philippines - The public health sector stands to benefit from special forms of public-private partnerships (PPP) especially in expanding the p..
In the News
A comprehensive health plan must be created to clarify the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the health system and in attaining universal ..
In the News
Due to various issues, such as lack of resources and administrative roadblocks, the Philippine government has turned to public-private partnerships (P..
Policy Notes
This Policy Note summarizes the lessons from social health insurance experiences in China, Thailand, and Viet Nam. It finds, among others, that all th..
Policy Notes
The Aquino Health Agenda of 2010 articulates succinctly the Philippine health sector's aim for universal health coverage. The agenda has three thrusts..
Philippine Journal of Development
The provision of social health insurance has been an increasingly popular mechanism for addressing financial barriers to health care in developing cou..
Philippine Journal of Development
The national subsidy for indigent PhilHealth members identified under the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) began in..
Philippine Journal of Development
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly being utilized to meet development goals of many countries and there is much potential for PPPs to..
Discussion Papers
The study assesses the experience of three Asian countries: China, Thailand, and Vietnam in the pursuit of universal health coverage (UHC) of their so..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-14 of 14 items.