Research and Development - Matches
Showing 31-42 of 42 items.
The Philippine is lagging behind its neighbors in the area of science and technological research and development. Unless appropriate and immediate act..
Development Research News
One key to international competitiveness is being technology adept. A country should be able to absorb, adapt and develop technologies that are better..
Policy Notes
To speak of rethinking the mission of the agricultural support system is no easy task. It has already played crucial roles in Asia’s recent agricult..
Philippine Journal of Development
The 1980s have seen the heavy emphasis on economic policymaking. As such, equal emphasis has also been bestowed to the substantial improvement on the ..
Philippine Journal of Development
There is much to learn from an outsider looking in and assessing the state of how policy studies are being used by target audiences. But there ..
Development Research News
How much has policy research progressed in the Philippines? It has gone far, given the number of institutions and experts tapped to do the taxi..
Development Research News
In the hope to contribute to the exchange of ideas and experience regarding health research, this paper provides an overview of Philippine health poli..
Philippine Journal of Development
The relevance of Science and Technology in our economy cannot be disputed. It has greatly contributed in a number of significant accomplishmen..
Development Research News
This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. Estimatio..
Philippine Journal of Development
This DRN issue focuses on the critical role of agriculture sector on the strategy for development. Studies included in this issue are particula..
Development Research News
Central to this study is the question of how benefits and costs from using a potentially renewable resource such as forests could be optimized for Phi..
Working Papers
Showing 31-42 of 42 items.