Philippines - Matches
Showing 511-525 of 1,237 items.

The unclear nontariff measures (NTM) being implemented by Asean countries are more protectionist in nature and hike costs for exporters in the region,..
In the News

The domestic tuna industry needs to be unburdened of unnecessary regulations to unlock its potential for job creation and output growth, the Philippin..
In the News

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) urged the country’s telecommunication giants to work with the Philippine Competition Com..
In the News

The recent controversy about rice importation is not about how much should be imported — in fact, there is no impending rice shortage—but ..
In the News

AQUINO has a lot of explaining to do.That is, Jason Laureano Aquino, the administrator of the National Food Authority (NFA) whose refusal to extend pe..
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A new study by a government think tank says restrictive labor market laws prevent micro, small, and medium enterprises from flourishing despite the va..
In the News

ASEAN is one of the most diverse regions in the world. It is a region of 32,000 islands spanning over 4 million square kilometers and hosting more tha..
In the News

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been working toward the free movement of goods in the region. Although significant progress has..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines enacted two legislations to promote renewable energy (RE) deployment (i.e., Renewable Energy Act of 2008 and the Biofuels Act of 2006)..
Discussion Papers

Wood processing is an important downstream activity of the forestry sector. It adds economic value to log, diversifies its product, and increases the ..
Policy Notes

This study examines procurement policy issues in light of recent concerns on delays in project implementation and underspending of government agencies..
Discussion Papers

NEDA chief disagrees with Piñol — Pernia favors private sector importation of rice to curb inflation
Economic managers are pushing for rice importation by the private sector to temper rising prices of the Filipino staple food. “The stand of the ..
In the News

The evaluation of the impact of agricultural insurance program of the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation on coconut farmers in Region IV-A (CALABAR..
Discussion Papers

After numerous attempts over more than a decade, the Philippine government finally enacted a comprehensive competition law, the Philippine Competition..
Discussion Papers

'Times New Roman',serif;">A new study by a government think tank said restrictive labor market laws prevent micro, small, and medium enterprises fr..
In the News
Showing 511-525 of 1,237 items.