Poverty - Matches
Showing 46-60 of 332 items.
The Philippines is generally winning its fight against poverty as the magnitude and incidence of poverty, income gap, and severity of poverty have all..
Discussion Papers
Tariffication of quantitative restrictions on rice imports was a key policy reform of the Duterte administration. This study reviews recent trends in ..
Discussion Papers
Satellite imagery and other unconventional data sources may help infer fast and inexpensive estimation of the country’s socioeconomic indicators..
Press Releases
Secretary Karl Kendrick Chua of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) said that poverty incidence might temporarily climb to 17.5 per..
Press Releases
Poverty vulnerability has been particularly recognized in the wake of the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that is likely to yield declines ..
Discussion Papers
The New Globalization has reached the Philippine shores. To assist the country in crafting relevant policies on this phenomenon, the fifth Annual Publ..
This study continues previous work on estimating the vulnerability level of households to income poverty
using a modified probit model based on income..
Research Paper Series
This issue of the Economic Policy Monitor (EPM) focuses on the diverse challenges brought by the New Globalization or Globalization 4.0, a period char..
Economic Policy Monitor
This Policy Note discusses the impacts on poverty and employment of the increased fuel excise tax rates under the first package of the Tax Reform for ..
Policy Notes
This study examines the effects of weather variability on food poverty dynamics in the Philippines. Among others, it finds that chronic food poverty i..
Philippine Journal of Development
This volume of the Philippine Journal of Development revisits some of the government policies specifically designed for those in the margins, namely, ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Good governance and good policies work hand in hand. Lack of good governance can hinder the successful implementation of good policies while the absen..
Development Research News
In support of the 2019 National Nutrition Month, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) conducted a public seminar on ..
Photos - Seminars
A PIDS study found a link between chronic poverty and weather variability. Households that usually experience weather events such as typhoons are more..
Infographics - Fact Friday
As public spending on social protection programs increases, government should continuously improve the design and implementation of these programs.&nb..
Press Releases
Showing 46-60 of 332 items.