Poverty - Matches
Showing 256-270 of 332 items.
The measurement of vulnerability, as in the probability that a household becomes poor, is concomitant to the analysis of poverty. To estimate househol..
Philippine Journal of Development
Government education spending is expected to improve the well-being of beneficiaries and enhance their capability to earn income in the future. In thi..
Discussion Papers
In line with the commitment of the Philippine government to adopt the Millennium Declaration, there have been efforts geared toward the achievement of..
Discussion Papers
Understanding and eradicating poverty has hounded mankind for centuries and despite the multitudes of studies on the subject, there is still no single..
Economic Issue of the Day
Over the past sixty years, the concept of development has expanded from economic growth and investment, to poverty reduction, human development, susta..
Discussion Papers
A credible poverty measurement system is essential in order to develop the proper policy instruments for reducing poverty. Hence, the measurement and ..
Policy Notes
Government education spending is expected to improve the well-being of beneficiaries and enhance their capability to earn income in the future. In thi..
Discussion Papers
This paper looks at the interaction of poverty, fertility preferences, and family planning practices in the Philippines using the series of nationally..
Philippine Journal of Development
Concomitant to the analysis of poverty is the measurement of vulnerability. Estimates of household vulnerability to income poverty are developed using..
Discussion Papers
This Notes calls for the need to regularly come up with household vulnerability measurements and trends in the Philippines, in addition to official po..
Policy Notes
The primary objective for conducting the assessment of the social sector is to provide the basis for setting the thematic priorities for the Philippin..
Research Paper Series
What makes a large family more prone to poverty? Why is the poverty incidence invariably higher among households with larger family sizes? This Notes ..
Policy Notes
This paper results from a series of international workshops that brought together CBMS and GRB practitioners to discuss how the community-based monito..
Discussion Papers
This paper looks at the different paradigms of decentralization for drinking water supply in the Philippines and its effectiveness in poverty alleviat..
Discussion Papers
The Philippines and Cambodia both abound in numerous freshwater bodies and resources that provide an economic and food base for rural people in the in..
Policy Notes
Showing 256-270 of 332 items.