Poverty - Matches
Showing 241-255 of 332 items.
Understanding the Recent Rise in Poverty
Incidence: a Look at Growth and Income
Distribution Effects
What caused the worsening of the poverty situation in the Philippines from 2003 to 2006? What strategies and kind of interventions are called for? Rea..
Policy Notes
Research plays a major role in the crafting and implementation of government`s poverty reduction programs. As such, this year`s celebration of the Dev..
Development Research News
Health care service in the country is designed to be delivered under a referral network. Traditionally, an ordinary citizen would go to a clinic or ba..
Development Research News
The study aims to assess the impact of rising prices of rice and fuel on poverty in the Philippines. In particular, the variations in the potential ef..
Discussion Papers
To monitor changes in absolute poverty across time, it is crucial to ensure that the established poverty line is a fixed standard of living that repre..
Discussion Papers
This paper presents some statistical issues and possible solutions in the estimation of Philippine Poverty Statistics based on the official methodolog..
Discussion Papers
In response to high demands for lower level poverty estimates, the National
Statistical Coordination Board releases provincial estimates, in addition..
Discussion Papers
In the effort to effectively monitor the progress or drawbacks in the fight against poverty to formulate more effective poverty reduction programs, th..
Discussion Papers
In years when the Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) is not conducted and when funds are available, the National Statistics Office administer..
Discussion Papers
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) recognize the need to understand the link between disability and poverty. In fact this has become one of the k..
Discussion Papers
Using data from the 2003 Family Income and Expenditure Survey and 2005 Community-based Monitoring System for a city, Multivariate Adaptive Regression ..
Discussion Papers
Who suffer most in times of poverty, crises, and calamities? What is the current situation of children in the Philippines amid poverty and hunger? Rey..
Policy Notes
In a country where poverty is prevalent, a significant number of children are likely to be illiterate, malnourished, and prone to abuse and physical v..
Discussion Papers
How poor are participants of development projects in the Philippines? This paper uses the 2002 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey to construct an easy-t..
Philippine Journal of Development
Government education spending is expected to improve the well-being of beneficiaries and enhance their capability to earn income in the future. In thi..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 241-255 of 332 items.