Poverty - Matches
Showing 226-240 of 332 items.
What brings about the deepening poverty in urban slums? How does it compare with the rural poverty incidence? And why is it urgent that the urban pove..
Policy Notes
With a new government in place and amid all the developments that have taken place in the past two years and that are happening at the moment, what pr..
Development Research News
Government think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) strengthens its contribution to policy deliberations by releasing its first ..
Economic Policy Monitor
Drugs and medicines account for about half of the total medical out-of-pocket expenses of households. This share of drugs to total medical expenses is..
Discussion Papers
What are the factors that contribute to the nonparticipation of children in school? Who are the ones accountable to this complicating issue? This Note..
Policy Notes
The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), being true to its mandate of conducting policy research in aid of planning and policymaking, ..
Development Research News
This paper presents a few of the latest statistics on income poverty, growth, and inequality, and makes a case about the need not only to monitor curr..
Discussion Papers
In this paper, we present a new model for constructing poverty lines. The model uses consumer theory to construct both food and nonfood poverty thres..
Discussion Papers
Despite the many propoor policies, programs, and projects instituted, the country's gains in the fight against poverty have still been modest. This No..
Policy Notes
Aside from the rising income poverty, it is a disturbing situation when about half (44%) of all Filipino children are living in poverty. The lack of i..
Policy Notes
Dropout is a problem for many reasons. One, at the aggregate economy level wherein education is known to be an important determinant of economic growt..
Policy Notes
In 2006, poverty incidence in the Philippines went up by 3 percentage points from 2003, marking a reversal against the downward trend in previous pove..
Discussion Papers
This paper examines the linkages of poverty and environment at the household level in Philippine slums. Rapid urbanization and the inadequate infrastr..
Discussion Papers
Directing government subsidies to social services such as health care is expected to bring about positive external/social benefits and improve equity ..
Discussion Papers
Understanding the Recent Rise in Poverty
Incidence: a Look at Growth and Income
Distribution Effects
What caused the worsening of the poverty situation in the Philippines from 2003 to 2006? What strategies and kind of interventions are called for? Rea..
Policy Notes
Showing 226-240 of 332 items.